siot i got lots of work that not finish yet..sakit my kapla...tomorrow fasting begin lucky me i don't have to ganti my puasa because last year and last last last year there were seldom i ponteng puasa. only girl usually do that cause every one know about mr. moon story heh. okey lah i found 1 website that teach how to use slr..the web site were useful this website..right now im crazy about slr, i dunno why..i gonna buy flash but its cost me about 1.7k...i just hold for that next year...then i gonna buy telephoto type of lenses cost me around 2-3k...sound crazy rite..hahaha i got enough money but i cannot kuar all that cash to spend in 1 time..there were no excitement if u get all item that u need in 1 may got bored..percayalaa....itu laa banyak ladies ask me why u spend lot of money to this kind of thing and where u get the money, u got moto, laptop, slr in one answer senang ja.."itu laa dulu xnak kat aku" enjoying being single and i don't i have to worry to spend my money to the item that i desire...10k i can get married with that amound...
i don't want to show off my stuff and proud at it..i dun want ppl say me rich, menbazir and ress..i invest all this things cause someday onward i know i cant be like this...i have to works, i have to pay my house, car, feed my anak-anak, maintenance my beautiful wife...yeah..its difficult to be a men cause u must thinks the future...that all for today kbai
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Thursday, August 28, 2008
mencapap at bukit tinggi
hohoho today my hormon lvl were high its maybe because of i miss of someone..oklah i gonna blog about jusco bukit tinggi i went to few days ago..this is my first visit to jusco bukit tinggi..jusco bukit tinggi is the biggest jusco outlet in were picture i took..
Friday, August 22, 2008
windmill restaurant
i have done my makan-makan at windmill restaurant bandar baru klang this evening. Windmill restaurant is originally from Malaysia that offer western food. refer to the manager the restaurant concept were fine dining and specialize in steak..but my point of view to this restaurant its more to casual family restaurant that offered variety of steak and seafood product beside alcoholic beverages..dont worry it was halal restaurant.. to survive the manager decide to add some local influence beside western to the and friend order few item to fulfill our stomach..the price were affordable...
group hug eh salah group pic with manager
owh my camera skill were sux sory for that...that all for tonite kbai
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
yey yey raya kat lawas
allamdullilah syukur thanks to Allah S.W.T and my beloved Abah because let me raya at lawas which mean i goonna balik miri n then forward to lawas later...i think 2 years i skip raya with them if i not mistaken... i miss lawas a lots lama already not been there...owh ya my flight was on 25 sept and go back to kl on 7 oct...official UNI break for raya started on 27 sept until 5 oct...hoho that mean i hav to skip few class before raya and after raya hopefully lecturer will understand. i feel deglacted if i ponteng kelas i dunno why... what the holly cow shiwawa skip that things later but now i would like to celebrate my joy hip hip hooraayyyy weehheeeeeeeeeeeee
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
as cloudy as my feeling
i took this picture from my apartment this morning... im emo today..i very angry with myself because i break my promise to my mother..i promise that i gonna visit my nenek at kedah as soon my mid term holiday started..sadly to say all ticket for bus already sold out but for bas ulat got la..i don't wan to take risk and my last option is to ride train but i cant afford its..the ticket that available is for cabin cost about rm60++..i dunno baa this holiday kena with school holiday so i don't book early..stupid me
owh ya i gonna post some picture about domino's pizza that i visit 2-3 week before..yeah i know i supposedly to post in my food blog but that blog just for gimic only..i do that blog cause to show to my lecturer that proof me that i can blogging..cewah.. will reset back that blog and make more appropriate we go..
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Monday, August 11, 2008
my next aim is taraaa wii...nolaa slr is my last expensive thing that i bought during this very hepy wih that slr is my wife n already invest lot of money to a man hepy being single the only entertainment is my precious passion to game right now were not eager to play game then before...i need new hobby..that y la i buy that nikon d60..hopefully there will be a trip again wih my friend...i wanna go travel i don't care la where ever that place were..i waiting for that opportunities........
Friday, August 1, 2008
hard to believe
memang hard to believe that some people can see makluk halus which were jin, bunian, jembalang and so on..this is a give from god to her because she can see what people cant you ever heard news about hysteria happen at the new school somewhere in malaysia recendly..base on her(girl that can see things) opnion that place were perkampungan bunian hard to believe kan.. i agree with her coz actually that place memang tempat jin bertendang before development..no1 attent to go there but the school was build at that place for many reason..tambah lagi primary school lagi.. u know kan children memang can see many things..i think bukan salah org bunian make them become histeria, org bunian also like us also their have their life which were difference from us little bit..only god and somebody with god give only know the story...budak kecik anything they scare kan..mana tak when they see ppl can fly laa got wing la memang they afraid kan..i dunno this is my to me other mahlok memang exist..tuhan itu maha kuasa...anything beyond our thinking anything can be...
oklah..dats all for tonite..kbai
oklah..dats all for tonite..kbai
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