Thursday, January 8, 2009

im not declare war to any1..i juz terover react...

yalah..i still thinking of Dr. Salehudinm n Dr. Artina lecture and they say 1 magic word..IQRA mean menbaca or reading..god give us a brain to thinks...menbaca tiada penhayatan meaning kosong..menbaca with understanding, while applying to every day life is the one part of meaning of IQRA..

back to the topic..come on not against with anyone..n my vote is either because for me money is not option..but for me the purpose of for this trip is for study..that is my priority..i wan to learn something beside having good time..i don't want if we arrive there our purpose lari...because yalah kayaking or researching which one will be the winner...think about that...

okeylah..memang my mulut jahat..but my jahat is high level because i do jahat i calculate and think what will possible happen after that..not simply serang like niat tadi is to make ppl calm..bukan apa..


zatul.hernani said...

ok alem..
i just understand..
it's ok lah..

hatechuu said...

hmm i'm know ur feeling then...
;just ignore it....
neway just dinch them all!!!
dats easy!!